I have often been asked how I know things that I can’t possibly know or how I get my information when I am doing a reading.  The simple answer is that I really do not know.  Whether we are all connected by some linked energy source or whether messages are being given to me by guides I simply do not know.

I thought that it might be of interest to the reader to have some insight as to what I have experienced myself. Generally, when I am reading for someone, I get an image, or they remind me of someone that I know, and it often transpires that they are going through similar experiences to that person or have similar personality traits.

It is always so much easier to read for someone that I don’t know, that way I am not second guessing whether the messages I am getting are correct or not.  If someone I know wants me to do a reading for them then generally, I will use tarot rather than just plain intuition, but this is not always the case.

I think that the most bizarre case I had was several years ago.  I kept my horses at a yard owned by a traditional travelling gypsy husband and wife who had settled on a piece of land.  One day the wife approached me and said, “You know things, don’t you?”  To say I was taken aback rather was an understatement.  I had not even spoken to her before and no one else at the yard knew of my spiritual gifts, as far as I was aware.

I seem to recall that I just sort of dumbly nodded at her so she went on to say, “something happened to my husband, and I just wanted to know if you could work it out.”  At that she just sort of looked at me intently and then wandered off towards her mobile home.  I remember just standing there and suddenly an image of a melting gold clock face came to me along with an elderly woman and I just knew what had happened.

The next day I went in search of her and told her what I had deduced from the images.  The story that I had been given from the pictures I had received was that her husband had owned a gold watch which was a family heirloom and had been handed down to him from his grandmother.  The watch had consequently been stolen by a family member, I believed that this was a cousin.  This had then caused a family rift that could never be healed.  I said that the watch could be recovered but at a price that was probably not worth paying.

Once I had finished telling her the message that I had been given she just looked at me and said, “So he did take it then”, before walking away.

Now, how could I have ever known any of this?  To this day, it still astounds me. On giving readings to people, I have often been told that no one else has ever got as close to the truth as I have done.  I find this truly humbling and feel blessed and thankful for being given such an amazing gift.