What does it mean being a witch? Well there are so many different types of witch, solitary witch, hedgewitch, kitchen witch, green witch to name but a few.
There are no ‘rules’ as it were, you can choose to follow the path that best suits you and your beliefs. Whether you wish to observe the sabbats: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Lammas, Mabon or the Esbats or lunar cycles as well it is entirely up to you.
Sometimes you will be busier than at other times. If you miss a festival the world will not end, no one will coming looking for you and you don’t need to beat yourself up. Being a witch is more about looking after yourself and your environment with kindness. It is a gentle way of living. Looking at the cycle of life and reflecting back on what this means to you.
In days of old the witches would be the wise women of the village, the healers, midwifes and medicine women. Nowadays I think that it is very much the same. Most people who call themselves witch will also be a healer of some discipline. I myself am professional trained in Reiki, Crystal Therapy, NLP and Hypnotherapy.
I have been a medium for as long as I remember and get given messages for people. These I now craft as soul verse poems but sometimes I just get a word or a name given to me or an idea to pass on.
As I sit writing this I can feel a presence behind me looking over my shoulder as if to check what I am writing. For many people this would freak